Hanan Odero


May 22nd, 2009

Favorite thing about SGU: “I am able to go to school”

One Wish: “To become a doctor”


Hanan’s STORY:

Hanan never met his father. His mother married another man who died early in Hanan’s life, leaving her unable to support him or her other children. She eventually abandoned the children and Hanan believes she now lives in South Sudan. With no parental supervision, his older stepsisters became abusive toward Hanan and forced him to leave home. “Living on the street was not intentional nor my desire but the conditions around me gave me pain, hunger, hopelessness and loneliness. There was no other option but to run to the streets,” says Hanan.

Hanan was rescued and taken to Saving Grace Children’s Village in May 2019. Hanan’s extended family is Muslim so they were hesitant to allow SGU to be his guardians due to fear that he would be converted to Christianity. However, they have no means to take care of him so they eventually allowed it. Hanan is now a passionate follower of Jesus Christ and loves being a part of SGU. He is called “Doctor” at the village because he wants to be a physician.